Steinmont Public School

Academic Facilities


At Steinmont, students learn in ergonomically designed classrooms equipped with SMART Boards, and all students have equal access to the smart learning. The school has 6 Smart LED panels and Smart Document Cameras are also installed. Wi-Fi access points are available to provide wireless coverage to all the classrooms.

V. Sat Class Room

A virtual classroom is a teaching and learning environment where participants can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting.

Interactive Class Room

Steinmont Public School has interactive boards in all the classes in association with CI SOFT Technologies and EBIX International Software, one of the leading companies in IT enabled Educational Technology Service. The interactive class rooms are set to provide new Learning experience to our students. The system incorporates latest subject Contents ad will update the contents from time to time. Wi-Fi access points are available to provide wireless coverage to all the classrooms.

Skilled, Well qualified & permanent Teachers

Steinmont is blessed with a group of live-in faculty who are always ready to support and guide the students in all their endeavors. They are at the overall development of each and every student.

Visual Art Studio

At Steinmont, we strongly believe that Visual Arts forms an integral part of the holistic development of a child. The Visual Art Studio is a dedicated space for students to express themselves through traditional mediums like Drawing, Painting, Clay Modeling, Printmaking and Photography, and also experiment with new age mediums like Digital art, Conceptual and Installation Art, etc.

HRD Programme and Counseling

Steinmont centre for wellness provides support to the students and parents as well and they benefit a lot out of it. HRD programme for the development of personality traits, soft skills are conducted regularly to prepare the students to face the challenges of the times and future. Our full time counselor during the school hours meets our students individually and facilitates them for higher aspiration and motivation.

Orientation Programme

The school periodically organizes variety of orientation programme and sessions on motivation to cater the highly demanding needs and well bright future of students. Some of them are NLP, Career Guidance, Civil service and Science research programme.

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