Steinmont Public School

Senior Secondary School

At the Senior Secondary level, the curriculum shifts its emphasis from general to core subject focused specialized content. The concepts in different disciplines are taught in-depth and with vigor. At this stage, students are better informed to select the subjects and streams of their choice and aptitude, as they gain a better understanding of their career path.

The curriculum emphasizes on conceptual understanding, processes and skills, application of knowledge, use of technology, etc. While the curriculum focuses on achieving these subject-based objectives, it also fosters a positive attitude to logical and analytical thinking, reasoning abilities, problem-solving skills, and interdisciplinary learning. The various stages of the curriculum in Senior Secondary section emphasize on knowledge construction.

The School offers a wide range of subject combinations in the Science Stream, the Commerce Stream and the Humanities Stream which include Skill Subjects. The following features will unfold the core of the senior secondary programme:

  • Sequential flow of knowledge – from fundamentals to higher level knowledge.
  • Development of core competence while constructing knowledge.
  • Multiple avenues to develop observational skills, logical thinking, analytical skills and reasoning abilities.
  • Understanding the dynamic nature and interdependence of subjects.
  • Option to study Skill Subjects along with mainstream subjects.
  • Prepares students for higher educational pursuits.
  • Career and College Counseling to guide students in deciding the right career path.

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